The Staples Advantage
Staples and Associates, Inc. has been changing minds and influencing behavior since 1976. Over 180 individuals located among eight offices throughout California, Wisconsin, Illinois and Arizona comprise the Staples team.

It has been nearly two decades since Staples & Associates was engaged by California utilities and local governments to build residential and commercial participation in energy efficiency programs. Our knowledge and capabilities continue to grow. Today our companies provide innovative solutions for emerging needs in the arenas of energy efficiency, conservation, and even golf.
Our approach to a trade ally-driven program revolves around the following.
Taking the pulse
Immediate access to program data including:
- Trade Ally engagement and production
- Real-time savings and budget tracking
- Immediate response to Trade Ally concerns
- Live access to program-wide data for our utility customers
Creating Jobs
We enroll, train and motivate local contractors to extend geographic coverage and reach the “hard-to-reach.” We stress the importance of quality with our employees and program contractors.
Paying Attention to Detail
Quality is one of our corporate core values. One we hold in especially high regard. We stress the importance of quality with our employees and program contractors, Happy customers lead to successful programs.
Understanding Trade Allies
Our company began as a Trade Ally. Our program design and management taps into this knowledge to create a program that is simple to follow. Trade Allies are not only motivated by incentives, but also by ease of participation.
Delivering Results
Our Trade Ally-delivered approach has provided billions of kWh savings. We don’t just focus on lighting, either. We have expanded our areas of expertise to include refrigeration, HVAC, solar, and EV charging.
Changing Minds and Influencing Behaviors
We home in on the needs of our target markets to design a program that makes sense for them. Our marketing efforts are targeted at reducing administrative costs while motivating both customers and Trade Allies.